Solar energy and blue energy research

Scientific Group Research

Our  group of scientists, mainly composed of Physics Professors and technologists from the Italian  academic and industrial world, is carrying on research  in the field of renewable energy sources.

We have in  particular directed  our research towards “solar and blue energy”.


Many solutions have been studied so far, which appear to be eligible for further developments.

In this proposal we are introducing some technologies that have gained a concept validation and appear to be promising for the development of efficient industrial processes, with the essential  support of venture capital.

We propose methods and processes for

  • electric power production,
  • desalination and the extraction of minerals dissolved in sea water.


Our research in this field deals with the production of electric power with methods alternative to solar cells.

We have focused our research on two main topics:

  1. the realization of  light concentration devices combined with thermionic generators
  2. the possibility of obtaining electricity directly from the electric field of light


Blue Energy is the energy that can be obtained from the  water of  sea, rivers and lakes

Starting from previous research in the field of space-time electric confinement of charges immersed into a fluid, we have activated  new research lines that have, as their goal

  1. to demonstrate the practical feasibility of a process that extracts electric power from the mixing of salt and fresh water, such as sea and river waters.
  2. to use analogue principles to derive processes for desalination plants for sea water

Solar Energy:  Thermionic Generator

The thermionic generator is a device that has the ability to directly convert heat into electricity.

We decided to change the magnetic triode thermionic generator, transforming it into a multi-electrode tube with very distant cathode and anode.

By this means we obtained the elimination of space charge and the increase of the temperature difference between the emitter and the collector.

The thermionic generator has the advantage that it can be used in multiple ways. You can insert it into the focus of a parabolic mirror to create a system of solar energy conversion concentration.

It can be used to generate electricity wherever there is a source of heat at high temperature.

Solar Energy:   EM field based Generator

For the electromagnetic field generator we have assumed a device that uses the radiation pressure of focused light to push the electrons in one direction, creating an electric current.

We have therefore investigated the possibility of using only the electric field vector of light in order to obtain a movement of electric charges suitable for the installation of a generator.

Blue energy:   Saline Grandient Electric Power Generator

We explored the opportunity of  exploiting of the energy that follows the change in entropy induced by mixing two salt solutions at different concentrations.

We have studied two types of salt concentration gradient generators.

  1. 1One of them is based on the potential difference generated by the liquid junction formed at the interface between the solution and the diluted concentrate (Hydrolytic Pile)
  1. The other is based on the principles of reverse electro-dialysis (Dialysis Pile).

Compared to existing generators of this type, in our study, we introduced a notable change, i.e.

instead of  withdrawing the charges from the electrodes we accumulate them on the electrodes  (capacitance electrode).

This variant avoids the dissolution of the electrodes or the use of electrodes within redox solutions.

This method leads to generators which not only produce electricity but also allow you to store it.

Some research groups in various parts of the world are carrying out studies on the concentration gradient generators.

The creation of a working prototype able to show this method of energy production will lead to the construction of power plants in those places on earth where a river flows into the sea.

Blue energy:   Sea Water Desalter

We conducted a study for two methods of desalination:

  1. Capacitive Deionisation
  2. Ion traps Separation.
  • ·A deionizer is a capacitive device that has the power to change the concentration of ions contained in an electrolyte solution. This change in concentration is achieved by charging a supercapacitor electric double layer.
  • The result is to remove ions from the solution and then the salt it contains.
  • ·The ion trap is a device capable of blocking ions that are contained in a solution and of   confining them in a given location and space for a certain period of time.
    The trap designed by us is electromagnetic  and is based on the principles of magnetohydrodynamics.

            It has the ability to separate the solute from the solvent in an electrolyte solution.

Please note: The ion trap system can also be used as a selector of  ions: controlling the  values of the EM field could lead to ion select ions according to their mass.

This would give the desalter the chance of being  used in “mining activities” by selectively extracting from sea water the minerals it contains.

These two devices, when applied to sea water, can desalinate it esclusively working with electricity.